Quality policy

The quality policy of Carini Chem Srl

CARINI CHEM Srl works with assiduous commitment to develop and improve its Quality Management System.

It is the Company's priority policy to commercialize products characterized by a high quality level combined with an excellent service to satisfy on the one hand the regulatory requirements of the sector to which they belong, and on the other to guarantee the complete and punctual satisfaction of its Customers.

The adoption of a Quality Management System compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard has meant that all the organisational, commercial and technical activities relevant to quality have been planned, controlled and documented.

The Company Management, in the figure of the General Management, is primarily responsible for quality assurance, establishes the quality objectives and periodically checks and judges the effectiveness of the Quality System. The General Management has appointed the Quality Assurance Manager as its representative, delegating the responsibility for the planning, implementation control and development of the system.

Each Manager is entrusted with the task of developing, implementing and improving the Quality Management System.

All function managers are guarantors of the correct application of the activities required by the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard within their sector, ensuring that each collaborator knows and follows the procedures and/or operating instructions and has understood the meaning of the adoption of a Quality Management System, thus participating in the constant development and improvement of what was initially established.

All employees are engaged in a continuous quality improvement process. They are required to carry out their activities according to the indications defined within the individual operational and management processes. For each employee, there is a commitment to make their own contribution to guarantee a service that always lives up to customer expectations, which represent the primary objective of the Company

Great attention is paid to staff motivation; only motivated employees, prepared for a positive change, produce quality.

The Management supports with due attention all the activities that serve to achieve the guarantee and improvement of the quality offered to its Customers.

This commitment refers in particular to and concretely seeks and pursues:

constant attention to customer requests which, in order to pursue the constant and continuous search for their complete satisfaction, free and constructive communication for everyone's involvement aimed at the pursuit of continuous improvement, employee involvement in error prevention and solution of problems related to quality, continuous training and updating of all employees.

The Management expects from the employees collaboration and attention for the realization of these objectives, and requires them to be active in the development of the Quality Management System and its improvement.

The Management and all the Functions are proud to feel part of this reality and guarantee their convinced commitment to support and disseminate the Company's quality policy

The Management of Carini Chem Srl

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